
Find life experiences and swallow them whole. Exhaust yourself in the glorious pursuit of life.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Digital Story

Visit the address below to view my digital story on immigration.  I wanted to create an emotional aspect to this project and a final summary of my findings.


What now? 
I plan on continuing this blog in the future to reflect on volunteer experiences.  I will be moving to Flagstaff, Arizona in July and I've already made a few contacts with some volunteer agencies I can get involved with.  I'd like to take more time to do service that I didn't quite get to during my undergraduate career.

Service is really important to me in order to stay humble, remember the privileges I have in life and help others.  I am not sure where my Spanish career will take me, but I'm sure excited.  Volunteering will add more to this blog so I can get a first hand experience of what some immigrants are going through; especially in Arizona.

I can't wait to travel as well! In a few years, I plan on visiting a country in South America, still deciding where I want to go.  I want to be completely selfless and put my entire self in the life of South America. What do those citizens experience every day? I'd like to compare regions, economic differences, cultural, spiritual, food, everything!

This is only the beginning. Although this blog was a brief introduction to even more information, I gained exposure and a deeper interest of the Hispanic population.

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